Together we deliver safety
It all begins with you. Our generous supporters fund the purchase and distribution of safety gear such as medical grade face masks, face shields, gloves, surgical gowns, as well as safety supplies like reusable fabric face masks, hand sanitizers and soaps. Because Shields For Heroes is a non-profit entity, we are able to purchase these supplies at below-market cost and receive goods as donations which means every single dollar goes further.

Since March of 2020, Shields For Heroes has donated 25,260 pieces of safety gear to 143 health care and community organizations in the New York City metropolitan area and beyond.

WHO WE HELP: Protecting the COMMUNITY.
The recipients of our safety gear are carefully selected by our board and advisors in a process that is based on need and impact. Underserved communities within COVID-19 hot spots and the organizations that serve them are prioritized as recipients of our donations.
Our suppliers are carefully selected as well. For example our fabric face masks are manufactured by a zero profit organization dedicated to providing work to displaced garment workers.
We take great pride in our many collaborations with established community support organizations. By teaming up with these groups we gain access to their extensive knowledge and experience with the communities they serve.
Health and community care organizations all over are in short supply of safety gear. As the pandemic continues, so does the incredible need for these supplies.
The map below, with data aggregated by our partners at #FindTheMasks, represents the nearly 4,000 organizations currently requesting safety gear.
Together we can answer these calls for protection. Please consider making a donation today.